Wirecath, developed by the Swedish company Cavis Technologies AB, 介入心脏病专家用它来测量动脉的压力损失是否引起缺血. This to determine the correct treatment for the patient.

市场上已经有少量的导丝, 由主导全球市场的大型医疗公司商业化. Wirecath的独特之处在于,它是世界上唯一一种不受静水压力误差影响的导压丝. As such, it can increase measuring accuracy.

“The size and growth of the market, 而且我们这种手术最近也在报销范围内, made France interesting to investigate for further expansion”, says Stefan Tell, CEO of Cavis.

Cavis的业务重点是在法国市场找到合作伙伴. At first Cavis was looking for a small distributor, similar to what the company had in the Netherlands. However, ag体育官网商业公司提供给该公司的市场分析表明,这些类型的演员在法国市场上并不存在. Rather, Cavis需要考虑与市场上的一家全球医疗设备公司合作.

ag体育官网对市场的了解在市场分析中很重要, to identify the potential partners already present in France, and to target the right actors from the start.

法国ag体育官网商业公司高级项目经理Emma Hemmingson解释道:

“我们通过帮助Cavis确定未来Wirecath商业化的潜在合作伙伴,缩短了产品上市时间. 这个项目引起了几乎所有入围公司的兴趣, 为法国和全球提供了一系列不同类型的伙伴关系。”

Helene Gustafsson, Global Application Specialist at Cavis, 他说,ag体育官网商业公司支持该公司寻找四个全球潜在合作伙伴, paving the way for distribution in more than just France.

ag体育官网商业帮助我们获得了市场理解、动态和增长. 他们的语言和文化技能为大型医疗器械公司打开了大门, 促进必要的对话,为我们的产品找到最好的合作伙伴. However, we have not chosen distributor yet, 但多亏了ag体育官网商务公司,我们才得以会见并评估相关合作伙伴. 这个团队表现出了极大的热情和能力,很明显他们愿意为我们付出额外的努力 Helene Gustafsson, Global Application Specialist at Cavis

The future is bright
Cavis的第一款产品Wirecath正处于市场介绍阶段. In parallell with the commercial market introduction, 将进行进一步的临床研究,以进一步加强产品在市场上的应用.


“With the unique product Wirecath, 一旦商业化,Cavis肯定会影响市场的动态。”, says Emma Hemmingson.

Stefan Tell is also optimistic about the future.

“我们相信,我们进行这种测量的方法将改变并改善心血管疾病患者的诊断。”, says Stefan Tell.





市场调查,了解在法国的商业机会. The market check led to a partner search, in which potential partners were identified, and the decision to choose one distributor.



About Cavis

Cavis is an innovative Swedish medtech company developing, producing, 并提供侵入性心脏病护理单位,以帮助改善心血管疾病的诊断和治疗. 该公司目前正在启动Cavis Wirecath的商业化, a pressure guide wire immune to hydrostatic pressure errors. At the same time, it provides unique torque control for easy navigation, even in the most complex anatomies.